ニュージーランド政府は、保有するビザの種類に関係なく、すべての留学生に対し、LSNZ 在籍期間中およびニュージーランドへの往復旅行中、適切な医療保険および旅行保険に加入することを義務付けています。
学生の死亡、これには以下の補償が含まれます: 1. 家族のニュージーランド往復渡航費、2. 遺体の本国送還または国外送還費用、3. 葬儀費用。

混乱を避けるため、LSNZ はニュージーランドに到着する前に LSNZ を通じて保険を手配することを強くお勧めします。
保険は、NZQA 準拠の保険会社 Uni-care ( www.uni-care.org ) で手配されます。
学生自身の保険が上記の条件を満たしていない場合、学生は保険をアップグレードするか、LSNZ を通じて保険を申し込む必要があります。これは入学手続き中または到着時にいつでもリクエストできます。
Medical Care
Most of your medical care will be covered from unexpected illness, or if you suffer an accident or injury. We will pay for your doctor, hospital and day care treatment costs. The NZ Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is by law, the primary provider and payor of cover for injuries that occur in New Zealand. It's important to also look through your policy document to understand the conditions that we don't cover.
Medical Evacuation
In serious circumstances, as a result of injury or illness, you may need to be returned to your country of origin. At such a stressful time, we can help you by taking care of the costly expenses involved, allowing you to totally focus on what is most important - your recovery.
Loss of Deposits
If due to unforeseen circumstances (as specified in the policy), you have to cancel your course (for example, due to illness or injury), we will reimburse you for any loss of tuition fees.
We understand that international students may be in New Zealand for a long period of time and may have a wide range of personal property with them. The Student Prime insurance plan provides you with a generous amount of cover for your general property, or you have the option to insure specific items under the Student Lite insurance plan.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions
You are NOT automatically covered for pre-existing medical conditions. However, cover can be arranged in certain circumstances for a small additional assessment fee of NZ$45. Should we agree to provide cover for your pre-existing medical conditions, you will need to pay an additional premium over and above the base premium charged.
When you make a claim with Orbit Protect, an excess is the amount you need to contribute.
On our International Student plans, you don’t need to pay an excess on any medical related or if travel disruption claims. For all luggage and personal effects claims, there is a $150 excess. For all liability claims, there is a $50 excess. This means that when we settle your claim, we deduct the excess from the amount we pay back to you.